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Nutrition Assessment


Medical Nutrition Therapy

In Nutrition Education, we are required to choose a media hot topic impacting nutrition and dietetics and formulate a quick "speed geek" style report. We were required to defend a position based on the evidence. I chose the topic of the FODMAP diet for my group and defended the fact that it is built on scientifically sound principles. 

Demonstrate identification with the nutrition and dietetics profession through activities such as participation in professional organizations and defending a position on issues impacting the nutrition and dietetics profession.

In Medical Nutrition Therapy and Applications of Nutritional Care (NTRN 4034 & NTRN 4053), I was required to complete an assignment over nutrition counseling. I was given a mock-patient with hepatitis A and I had to construct a video of myself providing nutrition counseling to this individual.

Demonstrate counseling and education methods to facilitate behavior change for and enhance wellness for diverse individuals and groups.

Use the Nutrition Care Process to make decisions, identify nutrition-related problems and determine and evaluate nutrition interventions.

© Daina Moritz, MS, RDN, LD 2022 | Dietitian Daina, LLC

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